A-Z Books |
These books are All New Copies, not used. |
NEW These books are reprints of the books below but they are not spiral bound as are the original books so they do not lay flat. However they do contain the some great information, pictures and instructions but at a lower price. |
A-Z of Smocking
Everything you ever wanted or needed to know about smocking
is covered in this manual for the beginner through advanced smocker.
Over 1000 fabulous color photographs are included to guide you
step-by-step through the techniques and projects.
NEW A-Z of Embroidery Stitches
Superb step-by-step stitch photographs and easy instructions show you everything
you need to know about ribbon stitches, wool embroidery, bullions,
shadow work, cross stitch and much, much more.
An invaluable resource for novice needleworkers and experienced stitchers alike!
BE-045........$28.98 |
NEW A-Z of Embroiderd Motifs
From clowns and airships to roses and lavender, this inspiring book is a
treasury of bullion designs with clear step-by-step photographs,
hints, experts' articles, practical advice and patterns.
Each individual motif is a miniature work of art.
BE-051......$28.98 |
NEW A-Z of Stumpwork
Comprehensive guide to the raised embroidery technique,
featuring all the stitches and techniques the needle worker needs to know,
with hints tips, 400 clear step by step photographs and 20 beautiful designs.
BE-052.....$29.98 |
Click Here For the Secure Order Page
Order Minimum is $10.00 before shipping and any applicable taxes.
Most of the books below are out of print.
I still have a few in stock but shop early!
All of the books are NEW not used. |
NEW A-Z of Heirloom Sewing
Learn the art of Heirloom sewing!
Whether you are a novice or a professional, the A-Z for Heirloom Sewing
offers over 700 step-by-step instructions and colour photographs
for different stitches and techniques that imitate the Fine French Hand Sewing
techniques using the sewing machine.
Topics include: General Instructions, Garment Care, Entredeux Techniques,
Fabric Techniques, Lace Techniques, Handworked edges and Finishes
as well as Construction Techniques.
Wow, that's lot!
It is filled with glorious designs for you to stitch or adapt to suit your own projects. 144 pages This book is spiral bound and will lay flat on your table for easy reference.
It's a must-have heirloom sewing guide!
Order your copy today.
BE-050.............$89.98 |
A-Z of Crochet
Whether you're a new crocheter or just want to try new techniques,
this must-have resource offers all the know-how you'll ever need.
It will walk you through step-by-step from basic to advanced methods.
Learn the easy way with over 1000 close up photographs featuring
real hands holding real yarn.
Fix mistakes, shape garments and find the answers to almost any crochet question.
Softcover book. Not spiral bound.
BE-031.............$29.98 |
A to Z of Knitting
This paperback must-have resource offers all the
knitting know-how you'll ever need!
With over 1000 close-up photographs featuring real hands holding real yarn
and needles, there's no easier way to learn.
Work from beginner's basics through gorgeous Aran, Fair Isle and entrelac and intarsia knitting
with easy to understand text and colourful photos.
Add an astounding array of embellishments to your projects with embroidery,
beading and much more.
Fix mistakes, care for garments and find answers to almost any knitting question--
this book simplifies it all.
Softcover Book. Not spiral bound
A-Z of Bead Embroidery
This easy to use book features more than 30 stunning and versatile projects.
With over 440 step-by-step photographs it brings bead embroidery
within the reach of any one who can thread a needle.
Find out how to work tambour beading, breakpoint, padded beading,
how to handle sequins and bugle beads, and so much more.
Discover the best tools for the task and learn to identify different beads
by their size, shape and finish.
Full of fascinating hints and gems of information.
This book is spiral bound and will lay flat on your table for easy reference.
A-Z of Bullions
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
From clowns and airships to roses and lavender this extraordinary book
features over 120 bullion designs,
146 step-by-step photographs,
hints, expert's articles and patterns.
It is full of inspirational ideas and practical advice.
A-Z of Crewel Embroidery
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
This book introduces you to the tradition of Crewel Embroidery
and its transformation into an art form that is so popular today.
The book is a perfect introduction for beginners and a 'must have'
for more experienced embroiderers.
BE-035...... $89.98 |
A-Z of Embroidered Flowers
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
The fifth book in the best selling A-Z series, this book offers
great instruction for beginners and beyond.
It is filled with hundreds of step-by-step colour photographs with
easy to follow instructions, hints and a diverse range of designs.
BE-036...... $59.98
A-Z of Embroidery Stitches
A Great Reference Book
Over 2.5 Million copies of this series has been sold!
From the publishers of Inspirations magazine, this book is one of the great reference books
for embroidery stitches of all time.
A complete manual for the beginner through to the advanced embroiderer.
Easy to follow instructions, over 1300 step-by-step color photos,
and over 140 stitches and stitch variations.
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
BE-037...$69.98 |
A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2
Broaden you stitch vocabulary!
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
More than 145 new stitch techniques are included in this book.
Each one is fully explained with clear step-by-step photographs.
Some stitches include Siennese stitch, Roumanian stitch, Italian insertion and
American edging, rope, and ladder.
Some stitches are variations of familiar stitches such as cross stitch -
chained, cross stitch - raised, and deerfield herringbone stitch.
A wonderful reference book full of information, embroidery stitches
and techniques essential to every needleworkers library.
BE-038.............$69.98 |
A-Z of Quilting
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
Whether you have never held a needle or have been creating heirlooms for decades,
this remarkable book has something for you.
It is filled with almost 900 full-color step-by-step photographs that cover
every aspect of creating a beautiful and unique quilt.
This book is out of print but I have a couple in stock.
BE-040....... $39.98 |
A-Z of Ribbon Embroidery
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
This book is a complete manual for the beginner
through to the advanced embroiderer.
It contains more than 40 original ribbon designs
and over 480 step-by-step colour photographs
BE-041.............$74.98 |
A-Z of Sewing for Smockers
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
Let us lead you through every step of turning your
gorgeous smocked design into a piece of wearable art or a family heirloom.
Packed with easy to follow instruction and fabulous tips from the experts,
this book is a must for everyone in love with fabric, smocking or sewing.
Over 580 superb step-by- step colour photographs.
A-Z of Stumpwork
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
With its beginnings in seventeenth century England,
stumpwork is making a revival today.
Over 400 clear step-by-step photographs and instructions
presented in 5 easy to use sections make this book
easy to use and easy to follow.
20 stunning designs from around the world.
This book is out of print now but I still have some in stock.
BE-044......$69.98 |
A-Z of Wool Embroidery
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
Perfect for beginners and beyond-easy to follow step by step photographs
illustrate the stitches and different techniques.
Topics such as fabric, threads, tools, transferring designs
and caring for your project complement the stitch instructions.
This book provides you not only with the "how to" but also the inspiration
and means to create your own beautiful projects.`
BE-047.......$39.98 |
A-Z of Whitework
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
Now you can discover the timeless appeal of whitework in its many forms!
White on white embroidery creates beauty and interest using
both delicate and bold stitches.
There are over 1000 step-by-step photographs to teach you the techniques
to recreate this beautiful style of embroidery which has inspired
needleworkers for centuries.
This book includes candlewicking, Mountmellick, cutwork, applique,
shadow embroidery and net embroidery
as well as useful tips and fascinating historical information.
BE-046.............$79.99 |
A-Z of Goldwork
with Silk Embroidery
Spiral Bound - so much easier to use!
This fabulous book contains over 540 step-by-step photographs
and easy to follow instructions for more than 100 goldwork stitches and techniques.
Colour can be added to your designs using the 15 clearly illustrated
silk embroidery stitches.
Detailed information about gold threads and the equipment needed to achieve the most from this fascinating embroidery technique, along with
clearly illustrated instructions are included.
As well, 8 original designs are included along with clear instructions, colour diagrams and full size patterns to get you started.
This book is out of print but I have a little stock. BE-048.............$79.98
You will love this hard cover book.
It has coil rings in side so it will lie flat while you are using it.
Full of wonderful pictures and information.
A-Z of Sewing
The ultimate guide to successful sewing! Have you ever dreamed of constructing your own designer fashion?
Would you like to create unique clothing and adapt existing patterns?
Do you simply wish to fix a hem or mend a tear?
The A-Z of Sewing gives both beginner and intermediate sewers
the confidence to do all this and more.
Over 620 meticulous step-by-step instructions will help you discover machine
and hand sewing techniques from very basic to advanced.
Included are hints and tips from professional sewers on the best equipment supplies to use,
how to work with patterns and fabrics plus more.
These are not spiral bound. BE-049a.............$44.98 - Hardcover
All of the same great information but in softcover and without the spiral rings.

Click Here For the Secure Order Page
Order Minimum is $10.00 before shipping and any applicable taxes. |
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