More Information
Everything you need to get started comes in the kit
except your threads, fibers, or yarns, etc.
To use:
- You need 7 lengths of yarn, fibers, threads - depending upon your desired outcome.
- You use 7 bobbins and wind each bobbin with your length of fiber--you need 1 1/2 to 2 times your desired
finished length of each fiber.
- Leave about 5-6" unwound & tie the group of fibers together in a knot. Insert the knot through the hole of the disk that isthe correct size for your fibers and then clamp the tension clip to the knot. This serves as a weight to hold the threads downward.
- Turn the disk over and insert the fibers into each slot with one left empty.
- One more thing, place that elastic band that comes in the kit around your wrist. You will see why later.
- Now you are ready to start cording. Always hold the disk with the empty slot toward you. Count 3 slots to the right if you are right handed (left if you are left handed) pick up that fiber and place it in the empty slot.
- Turn the disk so the empty slot is toward you and repeat.
- It can't be easier than that! It works up very quickly--depending upon the diameter of your threads.
- If the phone rings or if you have to set it down, use that elastic band and wrap it around the threads-
-then they will stay in place.
- There is no problem picking it up again wondering where to start as you
always start with the empty slot pointing towards you.
Easy as 1-2-3! |
Hand Dyed Satin Braiding Cord
Rayon over a Cotton Core
Each package is 1 piece that is 12 yards long. |
Satin Cord
Satin Cord
Satin Cord
Satin Cord
Satin Cord
TC-11....$13.98 |
Satin Cord
Satin Cord
TC-12....$13.98 |
Satin Cord
TB-27....$13.98 |
Satin Cord
TC-46....$13.98 |
Satin Cord
TC-52....$13.98 |
Satin Cord
TC-08....$13.98 |
12 Yards Satin Cord
4 Colours x 3 yards |
Satin Cord
Satin Cord
TC-108......$11.98. |
Satin Cord
TC-106......$11.98. |
In each bundle below there is a mix of synthetic and natural
(alpaca, wool, bamboo, etc) dyed fibers.
Each bundle totals about 20m in length with each piece measuring about 2m
I have tried to show the strands at the end of the image.
There may be some variation from skein to skein in the same palette.
Fibers-1.........$12.98 |
Fibers-2.....$12.98 |
Fibers-5.........$12.98 |
Fibers - 7.........$12.98 |
Fibers-8......$12.98 |
More Fiber Bundles
Approx 15 2-yard assorted fibers
Greens with a hint of blue
Hand Dyed Ribbons
20 yards of Mixed Textures, all Hand Dyed--Gorgeous!
20 one yard strands
These are `delicious`
TB-207........out of stock