Using the right specialty ruler can make your fabric cutting and squaring of blocks so much easier.
There are so many different rulers available that Sew Fancy Inc. cannot stock them all.
If you are looking for a certain ruler, please send me an email at alma@sewfancy.com and I will do my
best to find it for you.
Folding Square Ruler (formerly made by Salem)
This great product allows you to cut any size square from 1" up to 16" in length. This hinged Plexiglas ruler opens out to make a perfect 90 degree angle. Designed to take away the hassles of finding the right size square for any project that you might have, you can cut the square at any angle on your fabric.
How to Use: Simply lay the ruler on your fabric. Place a mark at the desired size of your square in each direction as well as the corner. Flip the ruler over and mark the
other corner. Cut the square. Easy!
It can be used to cut bias strips. Using the mitered end, simply line it up with the outside of your mat and move it down the edge of the mat cutting the desired width of your strip as you go.
It can also be used to square up your quilt or quilt pieces.
NG-078......16"........sold out
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