If you love crochet, then hairpin lace technique is a natural addition.
You need a special loom, some instructions, patterns and threads or yarns to get started.
Lizbeth thread is wonderful to work with for this technique
and it comes in different colors and sizes.
Large, Adjustable
Hairpin Lace Loom
by Susan Bates
The easy way to make vests, stoles, afghans and more.
These looms are for making Hairpin Lace Strips.
Easy adjustments from 2`to 4`for making different widths of strips
14" long
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Hair Pin Lace Tool
by Clover
Hair Pin Lace is a traditional interwoven braid that can be made by using
a single crochet technique.
Create beautiful continuous braid with this tool.
This loom will make braids from 1 to 3" in width.
You can set the pins every 3/8" between the 1 and 3" for greater versatility.
Learn to Do Hairpin Lace
Annie's Attic
Step by step instructions, take the reader through the
basic braid of hairpin lace.
The intermediate level stitcher is taken through
variations of the braid as well as
different techniques for edging and joining the pieces.
9 projects are included using crochet cotton to yarn.
Afghans, scarves, hats, beautiful shawl,
lacy doilyand edgings are included.

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