Tracing and Transfer Papers |
Saral Transfer Paper
For precision Tracing on any surface
Wax free transfer paper for precision tracing.
Transfer any design from a sketch, pattern or template to any surface.
Makes clean, crisp, erasable tracings.
Erases like pencil—won’t smear—washes out of fabric. Ink or paint over tracings won’t skip.
The transfer lines can be sponged, washed out or brushed off of fabric.
A hot iron will not set them. Economical.
Can be used again and again . Great for transferring sashiko designs to fabric, decorative & tole painting, quilting, embroidery designs, woodworking, fabric painting, ceramics, stained glass, metal working and
many other uses.
NG-007.......12ft x 12" roll. -- White......$27.98

Saral Sampler Transfer Paper
Wax free Saral is also available in a 5 sheet (8 1/2" x 11") sampler package with all of the same properties of the package above.
Colors are Graphite, Red, Blue, Yellow and White. Saral is certified to be non-toxic.
NG-008........$15.98 each
Chacopy Tracing Paper
Now you can transfer your design and pattern clearly without staining your hands and fabrics. Place the tracing paper between the pattern piece and the fabric and trace with a stylus or soft tracing wheel. The transferred lines can be removed with ease by washing.
Five color sheets assorted—blue, green, red, white and yellow.
NG-009.......$9.98/Pkg |
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